12 and 13 october 2016 at d’Etigny Auditorium of Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Universidad de Chile, located in Beauchef 851, Santiago.

The seminar “Research and education network: collaborate to advance”,  the first edition of the event by REUNA will gather very prominent national and international speakers, and the main actors in the development and evolution of research and education in Chile.
The aim of the seminar is to establish an instance for debate and reflection about gaps and opportunities for Higher Education and Science institutions, with the aim of building an agenda to impulse network and collaborative work.
During the event it will be addressed how collaboration, network establishment and technologies play a key role and are fundamental to lead to a new way of thinking an doing, which allows the advancement towards better education and research, in face of the permanent changes of environment and society.
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For more information, access this link http://evento.reuna.cl
This event is sponsored by the Chilean Economic Development Agency (Corfo), The National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) and the Scientific Initiative Milenio (ICM).
Source: Reuna